“Theatres in Elizabethan England showcase how the time was a golden age.” Using your study of the Globe Theatre how far do you agree? 16 marks

  Elizabethan England was known as a golden age of culture, as a result of the fact that during her reign from 1553-1603, the country was relatively peaceful compared to the times previously. As well as this exploration into the New World, and new discoveries resulted in the so called Golden Age. The theatre, inContinue reading ““Theatres in Elizabethan England showcase how the time was a golden age.” Using your study of the Globe Theatre how far do you agree? 16 marks”

How useful is the source to historians studying the impact of the American Wars of Independence?

This source shows the British Commander Cornwallis surrendering 8,000 British soldiers and sailors to an American and French force at Yorktown on 19 October 1781. This lithograph (print) was published in America in 1846. This source is useful to show the impact that losing the wars of independence had on the British, as it clearlyContinue reading “How useful is the source to historians studying the impact of the American Wars of Independence?”

Compare the migration of Jamaicans after WW2 with the Huguenots. In what ways were they similar? 8 marks

After WW2, Britain was in need to be rebuilt due to the bombings during the Blitz, as well as the large scale loss of life. In 1948 the British Nationality Act was passed which allowed individuals living in the colonies and dominions to have a British Passport. This was passed in order to stimulate migrationContinue reading “Compare the migration of Jamaicans after WW2 with the Huguenots. In what ways were they similar? 8 marks”

Marking & Assessment

Here I am, at it again, writing about the same thing. But this time a little different. I am a forever marking grid convert thanks to Mr.ThorntonTeach on twitter, who introduced these to me back in my ITT year. Since then I have used, forgotten about them at my old job, then come back toContinue reading “Marking & Assessment”

But Miss… How do I revise?

The answer to that, Young Padawan, is not simple. Everyone is different. Different names, likes, dislikes, and tastes. Everyone revises differently too. Some people can read information and it sticks. Others can watch videos and that makes it stick. Some people need quizzes and more interactive or creative ways of revision and that works. TheContinue reading “But Miss… How do I revise?”