Teaching the British Empire: Stories and Sources

Anyone who knows me, or is unfortunate enough to be taught by me, knows I am a slight Empire nerd. Studying the British Empire is important in History, in order to give students a grounding in the footprint that the United Kingdom has on the world: past and present. It is a very nuanced footprint,…

The Problem with Empire Teaching

I have been a on a roller-coaster of emotions, linked to the current events erupting in America and in Britain. I have clicked on articles calling for curriculum change and become angry: “Well… I do teach this… We do have that in our curriculum… the History teaching community has been working so hard to change…

To what extent did Lenin fulfill the revolutionary aims of the early Russian Marxists during his years as leader of Russia? 25 marks

Marxist theory is based on the work of Karl Marx and Freiderich Engels which centres around the idea that all history is composed of class struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisie. It theorises that the lower classes would over throw the factory owning bourgeoisie, and after a short period of a working class dictatorship would…


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About Me

My name is Jen Wright. I have taught History since 2015, when I a graduated from the University of Sheffield with a BA in Japanese and History (yeah I am shocked too!) Russian History and British Empire are my two Historical loves. Bit of a Disney nerd, and a crazy cat lady, who wants to spread some kindness in the world.

This is a collection of thoughts and reflections about my experience so far.

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