“Life in Soviet Russia changed for the worse between 1928-1964.” Assess the validity of this view. 25 marks

Both Lenin and Stalin were looking to move Russia ever more forwards to communism; pivotal in this aim was the creating of the “socialist man” which was embedded in the proletarianisation of the people. It was widely believed by theorists that the masses had to be proletarians in order to create the socialist society andContinue reading ““Life in Soviet Russia changed for the worse between 1928-1964.” Assess the validity of this view. 25 marks”

To what extent did Lenin fulfill the revolutionary aims of the early Russian Marxists during his years as leader of Russia? 25 marks

Marxist theory is based on the work of Karl Marx and Freiderich Engels which centres around the idea that all history is composed of class struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisie. It theorises that the lower classes would over throw the factory owning bourgeoisie, and after a short period of a working class dictatorship wouldContinue reading “To what extent did Lenin fulfill the revolutionary aims of the early Russian Marxists during his years as leader of Russia? 25 marks”

But Miss… How do I revise?

The answer to that, Young Padawan, is not simple. Everyone is different. Different names, likes, dislikes, and tastes. Everyone revises differently too. Some people can read information and it sticks. Others can watch videos and that makes it stick. Some people need quizzes and more interactive or creative ways of revision and that works. TheContinue reading “But Miss… How do I revise?”

Live Essay Writing

Essays. That word can still instill a feeling of dread in some cases, but also a positive feeling in other cases. The first few months of A Level I struggled. I really struggled. I spent ages on essays, pouring my heart and soul into them. I hardly went out with friends, and I spent myContinue reading “Live Essay Writing”