
This year I have achieved one of my short term teaching goals: to train a new teacher in the profession. This has been on my list since I was trained; I had two amazing mentors who pushed me to take risks and encouraged me to improve my practice. I still meet up with both theseContinue reading “Mentoring”

Marking & Assessment

Here I am, at it again, writing about the same thing. But this time a little different. I am a forever marking grid convert thanks to Mr.ThorntonTeach on twitter, who introduced these to me back in my ITT year. Since then I have used, forgotten about them at my old job, then come back toContinue reading “Marking & Assessment”

Marking Grids

I have written and presented about one of these things before. Marking grids (MrThorntonTeach). Honestly they began, for me, as a way to record down who deserved praise and who needed actioning in lessons- as I was awful at rewarding but also keeping track of those who needed me the most. Since training year, IContinue reading “Marking Grids”

“We can be sheroes forever and ever!”

Inspired by similar blog posts on twitter, I thought it time I jump on the #shero bandwagon to celebrate some truly awesome females. I have been privileged to work with these women in education so time to celebrate their awesomeness. I am not an original Star Wars nerd. It was 1996, I was 3, andContinue reading ““We can be sheroes forever and ever!””

The Power of Positive Relationships

My previous school heavily focused on positive relationships with pupils, and building bridges with them to help them achieve. This ethos has shaped me as a teacher and how I interact with the young students we come to deal with day to day. Just to be clear. This doesn’t mean being a students friend: thereContinue reading “The Power of Positive Relationships”