How useful 12 Mark GCSE Battle of the Somme

How useful are sources A and B to a historian considering the success of the Battle of the Somme? This will be question 2 paper 1 in the Conflict and Tension part of the AQA GCSE exam. The sources will either be cartoon (picture based) or written. This one is based on a newspaper andContinue reading “How useful 12 Mark GCSE Battle of the Somme”

Write an account explaining how events in July 1914 became an international crisis. 8 marks

For these write an account questions, the exam board at AQA are not looking for: “Dear Diary.” It is easy to fall into this trap. The examiner is looking for an answer that is clearly structured (not necessarily in chronological order but that makes sense) and has historical concepts. CAUSE CONSEQUENCE CHANGE CONTINUITY SIGNIFICANCE TheseContinue reading “Write an account explaining how events in July 1914 became an international crisis. 8 marks”

Marking & Assessment

Here I am, at it again, writing about the same thing. But this time a little different. I am a forever marking grid convert thanks to Mr.ThorntonTeach on twitter, who introduced these to me back in my ITT year. Since then I have used, forgotten about them at my old job, then come back toContinue reading “Marking & Assessment”

A Level History: Extract Questions on Paper 1

At the start of the exam, are three extracts (two for AS). These extracts are taken from historians and their opinions about history. I teach the Russian breadth study, which means the historians will be commenting on certain aspects or key events in Russian History. It is important that each extract is closer evaluated, andContinue reading “A Level History: Extract Questions on Paper 1”

Explain what was important about the navy for Elizabethan England. [8 marks]

Navy has been important throughout British History in order to secure the island from attacks. Henry VIII spent a fortune building a strong navy that would make England powerful at sea, due to the fact that as an island England was vulnerable to attack. During Elizabeth’s reign this did not change- the navy continued increasingContinue reading “Explain what was important about the navy for Elizabethan England. [8 marks]”

“Manor houses demonstrated the prosperity of the gentry class in the Elizabethan period” How far do you agree using the study of Hardwick Hall? [16 marks]

You need an introduction, to briefly show off that you know your stuff about the topic of the question and the study, one point to agree, two to disagree and a conclusion. In conclusions don’t just repeat what you have written about, you need to have a punchy last go at convincing the reader thatContinue reading ““Manor houses demonstrated the prosperity of the gentry class in the Elizabethan period” How far do you agree using the study of Hardwick Hall? [16 marks]”

How useful is the source to historians studying the Scramble for Africa? 8 marks

The first question in the breadth topic in Paper 2 will be a “how useful is source A to historians studying X?” [8 Marks]. In order to achieve in this answers you should NOT just repeat what you can see in the source, without developing an explanation to link to the question. You need: ContentContinue reading “How useful is the source to historians studying the Scramble for Africa? 8 marks”

Explain the significance of the American Wars of Independence on the British Empire. 8 marks

Significance questions will appear on Paper 2 in the breadth topic (1000 year span in most cases). A simple way to think about significance is importance. But a more advanced way is: What was it like before? What happened during that changed? What was the impact after? In essence, how did X event or person,Continue reading “Explain the significance of the American Wars of Independence on the British Empire. 8 marks”