But Miss… How do I revise?


The answer to that, Young Padawan, is not simple. Everyone is different. Different names, likes, dislikes, and tastes. Everyone revises differently too.

Some people can read information and it sticks. Others can watch videos and that makes it stick. Some people need quizzes and more interactive or creative ways of revision and that works.

The truth is you need to find what works for you and fast. I would revise by planning exam answers like this:

I would make them as mind maps, draw out the arguments on each side as a visual reminder that there were two different points of view, underneath write a small introduction with my assertion and then get in facts (and also historians quotes but you don’t need it for GCSE or A Level). This worked in A Level, as an actual question I had already planned appeared. Joy of joys.

Or I would write out a revision booklet for myself:

workbook exam practice

Key facts and dates. Key ideas and mini explanations about the story. I would also abbreviate words, e.g Working class into w-c.  Dates were (still are) enemy number one for me in History. Students have a huge misconception that every date needs to be learnt: they really don’t. Yes knowing some key dates will benefit and improve the accuracy of your answer, but precise knowledge of events is more important than being able to regurgitate a load of dates onto a page. For my University exam above I learnt two of those dates: 1832 Reform Act and also the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade as these were two key events in the morals of empire.

The key to revision is: CONTENT and PRACTICE. Learn the knowledge then apply to an exam question. I would plan answers, and then write them as well, giving them to teachers or lecturers later on to check.

exam practice essay

There is also this useful list made by Mr Thornton Teach which guides you on the best ways for history with loads of different ways. The examples above are how I did it, but as I said at the start- We are all different. Practice now and experiment with ways to revise to find the one that best suits you.

Published by missgeniehistory

Secondary History teacher working in the West Midlands UK.

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