Which of the following achieved more in the 1960s and 1970s: campaigns to improve the rights of African Americans or campaigns to improve the rights of women? 12 marks

This is a bullet point question and it appears on AQA Paper 1, in the America: Inequality and Opportunity topic. In this answer you are assessed on; Assessment Objective (AO) 1 which is knowledge and AO2 which is explaining using second order concepts. A good way to break down the marks of the paper (roughly)Continue reading “Which of the following achieved more in the 1960s and 1970s: campaigns to improve the rights of African Americans or campaigns to improve the rights of women? 12 marks”

Individuals were the driving force of the British empire from the medieval through the collapse in the modern times. How far do you agree? 16 Marks (+4SPaG)

Key to success: Picking the factors carefully along with events and facts that best match these factors, and trying to think about the links between the factors and a very clear favourite for the one you think is the most important. This is a trickier question than normal. It requires you to think of IndividualsContinue reading “Individuals were the driving force of the British empire from the medieval through the collapse in the modern times. How far do you agree? 16 Marks (+4SPaG)”

Have economic factors been the main cause of people migrating from and within Britain? Explain your answer using economics factors and other factors. 16 marks (+4 SPaG)

Key to success: Picking the factors carefully along with events and facts that best match these factors, and trying to think about the links between the factors and a very clear favourite for the one you think is the most important.  Below are the 6 factors assessed on the AQA spec. By no means doContinue reading “Have economic factors been the main cause of people migrating from and within Britain? Explain your answer using economics factors and other factors. 16 marks (+4 SPaG)”

The power of extra-curricular involvement

There is too much negativity in teaching at the moment. We see it everywhere: CRISIS this and UNDERFUNDING that. And yes, those problems are true. But I constantly say it here, on twitter, to my friends and family and also at school, that I love my job. It is truly awesome. I get to spendContinue reading “The power of extra-curricular involvement”