A Level History: Extract Questions on Paper 1

At the start of the exam, are three extracts (two for AS). These extracts are taken from historians and their opinions about history. I teach the Russian breadth study, which means the historians will be commenting on certain aspects or key events in Russian History.

It is important that each extract is closer evaluated, and read before writing the answer. You need to look at the extract, pull out the main argument. Then read it again and pull out any subsidiary arguments within it.


This is an example of an extract. This one appears with the question: with reference to these extracts and your understanding of the historical context, which of these two extracts provides the more convincing interpretation of the reasons for the weakening of Tsarist Authority in Russia in the late 19th and 20th centuries?

The main argument = political opposition groups were the main agitators in the 1905 revolution and it was only the continued military support that kept the Tsar on the throne. In essence, tsarist authority was weakened by political movements against autocracy.

Now contextual knowledge is needed = Potemkin Mutiny 1905 due to poor conditions in the navy. Inadequacies of the military. This might suggest an unconvincing interpretation of the 1905 revolution and weakening of authority. Yet, the Tsar never lost complete control of his army at this stage. The army is a key pillar in his support structure. That was lost in 1917, due to the first world war and that resulted in the overthrow of the tsarist regime. -> This is good showing the nuances of Russian history and the nature of interpretations.

Subsidiary arguments = losing control of the provinces in empire. Factory workers were against the tsar. Tsarist authority has been week for decades but 1905 as a boiling point.

Context = Russification, and long term policies of suppression caused many in the empire to turn against the Tsar and towards political opposition. Putilov Iron worker strike in 1905, Bloody Sunday workers petitioned the working and living conditions, clear in their list of demands- but this never went against the Tsar (therefore unconvincing). Emancipation of the Serfs had rocked the social structure in Russia, resulting in weakening the tsar as it upset the balance of his support base.

There is a lot to talk about here. Only pick a few interpretations to talk about.

Structure advice:

  • No introduction or conclusion needed
  • No need to compare the extracts- treat them individually
  • Treat each extract as a mini essay – if two extracts two mini essays, if three then three mini essays
  • Start with the wording of the question: convincing or not.
  • Find the main argument/ interpretation
  • Select precise examples to support or go against the extract
  • Do not be afraid to go against the extract
  • Do not just repeat the extract- that is simply repeating it back to the marker
  • Judgement are needed- better if embedded in the answer, but ok if at the end.
  • Mini conclusion at the end of each extract: is it convincing?

Answering this question is relatively simple, if approaching calmly and with structure. Spend 15 minutes writing about each extract and give yourself 5- 10 minutes to read through them individually.


Published by missgeniehistory

Secondary History teacher working in the West Midlands UK.

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